Battle of the Bands 2025

We are joining forces with Scissett Middle School again for another Battle of the Bands competition. Last year we had some fantastic entries who went on to perform in our celebration assemblies and one group from KMS were invited to play at the Smells Like Teen Spirit festival at the University of Huddersfield. Pupils should see Mrs Simons or Mr Osborne for more information.

STEM Roadshow

In January we had our annual visit from BAE Systems Education Programme delivered in partnership with the RAF and the Royal Navy.

This year our Year 7 pupils were taught about Artificial Intelligence (AI). They used technology to create songs and accompanying music videos with the help of a robot dog called Lexi.

There were some interesting suggestions on what to include in the song such as a dancing fruit salad!



​​​​​​Music Performance by Joel Foster - Thursday 3rd October

A performance event for our Year 7 & 8 pupils from Joel Foster with a special message around bullying and mental health.

Joel starred on the first season of ‘The Voice Kids UK’ 2017. It was then when Joel realised he wanted to show the world his music. All starting from playing piano from the age of 3, he knew music was what he was destined to do. Through his teenage years, he began to play weddings with his elder brother and now has over 250 gigs under his belt at the young age of 20.

Joel has had his own experiences with bullying and mental health so is excited to share his stories and advice to the younger generation.





Macmillan Coffee Morning

Friday 27th September 2024 8am-8:45am

We would be very grateful if pupils/parents would bake something to help us raise money for a worthwhile cause.

Baked goods that don't require refrigeration can be brought in on Thursday 26th September and handed in to the office.

Thank you as always for your support.


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