Key Stage 2 Data

The Key Stage 2 National Curriculum tests (SATs) are designed to assess a child's knowledge and understanding of specific elements of the Key Stage 2 programmes of study. They provide a snapshot of a child's attainment at the end of the Key Stage. It is important to note that pupils have only been at our school for two terms prior to taking the KS2 tests. Whilst the SATs provide useful information to support future learning at KMS, they not an accurate reflection of the progress made by pupils during the three years they spend with us. We are however committed to ensuring all pupils achieve as highly as possible in their SATs; this involves working very closely with all our feeder first schools.


2024 SATs Results

Subject Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: School Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: National Average scaled score: School Average scaled score: National
English Reading 74% 74% 105 105
English, grammar, punctuation and spelling 72% 72% N/A N/A
Mathematics 66% 73% 102 104
English writing (teacher assessment) 72% 72% N/A N/A


Percentage of pupils who achieved at a expected standard in reading, writing and maths - 56%

Percentage of pupils who achieved at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths - 4%

As primary tests and assessments were cancelled in academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21 due to COVID-19 disruption, there will be no relevant KS1 data which is required to calculate primary progress measures for 2023/24 and 2024/25. Given the lack of a statistically robust alternative baseline to calculate primary progress measures, the Department for Education will not be producing or publishing primary progress measures for 2023/24 and 2024/25, and instead will only publish the usual attainment measures for these years.

Please click here to view the our school's page on the DfE Performance Tables website.

KMS Entry to Exit Data

At KMS we use externally standardised tests to measure the progress made by pupils during their three years in school. These tests allow us to compare the progress our pupils make from Years 6 - 8 to the progress made by pupils nationally during the same period. Results in both English and maths show that pupils make accelerated progress during their three years in our school. This puts them in a very strong position for when they move on to high school.