Follow our Social Media accounts to keep up to date with the latest goings on at KMS!

Facebook – Join our group to receive notifications in your timeline –

YouTube –

Twitter & Instagram

You don’t need to have Twitter to see these accounts, it just makes it easier to follow them, but if you wish to follow a particular trip for example, just go to the link below and you can keep up to date.

@KMSchool for general school news, clubs and sports.

@KMSvisits for information on school visits.  As much as we would like to keep you up-to-date in real time, please do be aware that sometimes technology does let us down in various locations, often battery and internet connectivity.

Also see some of the fabulous work at the Art and DT Instagram here (KMSArtDT)


If replying to any of the school Tweets, please remember you should show due sensitivity, observing all current regulations in respect to communicating within a resource that minors utilise and with due respect to the school and staff.  If you feel that any messages posted are in any way offensive, please forward the entire message to