Mobile Phones

Pupils should only bring a mobile phone to school if it is essential for use before or after school.  All mobiles must be handed in to their class teacher at the start of each school day for safekeeping. If pupils arrive late to school they should hand their mobile phone in to the school office for safekeeping when they arrive at school – this includes when buses arrive after 9.05am.

The school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to phones that are not handed in to Pupil Achievement Leaders or the school office.

Money and Valuables

Pupils are strongly advised not to bring valuable items or large amounts of money to school.  Money should be restricted to bus fares.  The vast majority of payments for school-related items and activities are paid through Parent Pay. Any money brought into school for any payment should be handed in as soon as possible. If large amounts of money or valuables have to be brought for any other reason, they must never be left in classrooms or cloakrooms, but instead they should be given to the Form Tutor or handed in to the School Office for safekeeping.

Students are strongly advised not to bring valuables into school.

  • Mobile phones, iPods and similar electronic equipment should not be used in school and are not covered by the school insurance.
  • Teachers have a right to confiscate these if seen
  • If students do have to bring valuables into school, please inform a member of staff.
  • Students must follow security procedures during PE lessons.
  • Lost property should be handed to the Office. See the Office for lost items.
  • Students should put their names on all their belongings.
  • Pupils bringing phones to school do so at their own risk.
  • All phones MUST be switched off at the school gates.
  • Phones must be handed in to your form tutor at the beginning of the day and placed in a secure place. Phones will be returned at the end of the school day.
  • Pupils who do not hand their phone in will have them confiscated for a period of time.