Parents' Evenings

Each year group has one formal Parents' Evening during the course of the school year, we also hold an additional ‘settling in’ evening for Year 6 parents during the autumn term. Parents are always welcome to contact teachers at any point during the school year should they wish; there is no need to wait for a Parents' Evening to make contact. Indeed, the sooner we know about issues or concerns the better.

The School uses an online appointment booking system for Parents’ Evenings whereby parents are able to choose their own appointment times from any internet connected device. The system has been set up to allow as many parents to see the teachers they wish by allowing a maximum of 8 appointments.Owing to pressure of numbers we have to limit interviews at Parents’ Evening appointments to five minutes with each teacher. 

If you have any questions regarding any aspect of our parents evenings, please contact the school office.

Edulink One Booking System -                       

Parents' evening help guides

Updated: 02/02/2021 1.22 MB
Updated: 02/02/2021 599 KB