Befrienders is a peer support network, which provides a service for any child who feels they need someone to talk to. Befrienders are volunteers from Year 8 who are especially trained to deal with any problems or concerns that are brought to them by other pupils. This training includes guidance on when to maintain confidentiality and when a problem is serious enough to be passed on to an adult in school.

Befrienders are assigned to each Year 6 class at the beginning of the school year to support our new pupils. Befrienders also act as guides to show visitors around our school.

Befrienders not only provide terrific support to other children in school, but also benefit enormously themselves. Being a Befriender is a great responsibility which the children handle with maturity and respect. Befrienders play a vital role in the day to day running of Kirkburton Middle School, the service is closely monitored and supported by adult Befrienders.